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Costumer satisfaction (NPS)
Costumer satisfaction (NPS)
Anton Lindell avatar
Written by Anton Lindell
Updated over 6 months ago

Learn how NPS works and how you interpret you facility's NPS.

NPS is a good measure of how your customers have experienced youro facility. The NPS value and customer comments are only visible for you as an administrator and is valuable information for you, regardless whether your result is high or low.

Activate NPS

Settings for NPS are found below Settings > Reviews (NPS)

Below Sustomer Satisfaction Settings, click on the checkbox below status to activate.

If you want to change when the email is sent out, you can do so by clicking on the pento the right.

OBS! When you activate NPS for the first time a follow-up email will be sent out to all the customers that had their booking end within the last 30 days.

This is how NPS works

NPS stands for Net Promoter Score and is a way to measure the question "How likely is it that you would recommend this company to a colleague or friend?".

Your customer recieves an email after their booking has ended where they can answer the question "How likely is it that you would reccomend [Faility name] to a colleague or friend?" on an eleven grade scale, 0-10. Afterards their answers are divided up in different groups.

  • Those who answer 0-6 are called "Detractors", which we here call "Critics".

  • Those who answer 7-8 are called "Passives".

  • Those who answer 9-10 are called "Promoters".

Exempel 1

10 of your customers have answered the question "How likely is it that you would recommend the this comapny to a colleauge or friend?". 3 replied 0-6, 4 replied 7-8 , 3 replied 9-10.

The NPS then bevomes
NPS = (3 / 10) - (3 / 10) = 0%

Exempel 2

15 of your customers have answered the question "How likely is it that you would recommend the this comapny to a colleauge or friend?", 3 replied 0-6, 4 replied 7-8, 8 replied 9-10.

The NPS then becomes

NPS = (8 / 15) - (3 / 15) = 5 / 15 β‰ˆ 33%

How to interpret NPS

You can view your facility's NPS via Booking manifest or Settings > Reviews, the latter also shows you the comments and grades from the last 30 days.

If your NPS is 0%, it means that there are the same amount of promoters

it means that there are the same amount of Promoters (grade 9-10), as Critics (0-6), of their experience with you.

Everything above 0% deserves a pat on the back, nonetheless the higher - the better! You have really succeeded if your operation achieves 50% or higher - that means that the majority or more of your customers falls in the category Promoters.

OBS! It is always valuable to go over your NPS-number and possible comments from customers, regardless of your grade! The answers from customers gives you valuable information about how they experienced their stay.

NPS helps you get to know how your customers experience

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