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How to create vouchers and discount codes
Anton Lindell avatar
Written by Anton Lindell
Updated over 8 months ago

Learn how to create vouchers and discount codes!

Note! Vouchers and discount codes are not the same as value code types. Avoucher type is something you can sell to the customer and is displayed as a product in the booking view. When a customer purchases a value code type, a voucher code is created that can be used for booking. Voucher codes and discount codes can be created manually by you, for example, if you have a campaign or similar.

Vouchers are codes with an inherent value, such as gift cards, stsamp cards, etc.

Discount codes are codes that either deduct a percentage or a fixed amount from the price.

All settings for vouchers and discounts can be found under Products > Value & Discount Codes.

How to Create a Voucher

  1. Under Value & Discount Codes, go to the Value Codes tab.

  2. Click on "Create New Value Code."

  3. Manage and restrict the code as described below.

  4. Done! βœ…

How to Create a Discount Code

  1. Under Value & Discount Codes, go to the Value Codes tab.

  2. Click on "Create New Discount Code."

  3. Manage and restrict the code as described below.

  4. Done! βœ…

Manage and Restrict the Code

There are many different ways you can customize your code. Here is what the various settings do:

  • Code: Enter the value/discount code. It can be anything, for example, SUMMER100 or MAY20.

  • Value Type: Choose whether the code should give a fixed discount or a percentage discount. A fixed discount could be a code that always deducts 100 SEK from the amount, while a percentage discount could be a discount that always deducts 20% from the price.

  • Maximum Usable Value Per Use: The code will never be able to give more discount per use than this amount.

  • Usage Limit: How many times a code can be used in total.

  • Usage Limit Per Day: How many times a code can be used on the same day.

  • Valid for All Products: Which products a code should be valid for. If activated, the code can be used on all products in the system. If deactivated, you can specify which products the code should be valid for in the field that appears below.

  • Free Rebooking Guarantee: Activate to deduct from the price for rebooking guarantee in the booking.

  • Can Be Combined with Other Codes: Activate if the code should be able to be combined with other codes.

  • Minimum Booking Value: The code can only be applied if the booking value is greater than this amount.

  • Maximum Booking Value: The code can only be applied if the booking value is less than this amount.

  • Message: This message is visible to the customer during booking.

  • Valid Mon-Sun: Choose which days a code should be active for use.

  • Expiry date: When is the last day it is possible to use the code?

Code's Valid Periods

Here, you choose during which periods the code should be usable.


A discount code should be usable for bookings that occur between 01/06/24 - 31/08/24. But only if the booking is created before this period, as the last usage day is set to 31/05/24.

Now you are a pro at value codes and discount codes! πŸ™Œ

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