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How identifiers work
Anton Lindell avatar
Written by Anton Lindell
Updated over 6 months ago

Learn how to use product identifiers

By using unique identifiers for each product, you can track which products are used in each booking. This is useful if you need to keep track of exactly which product the customer has booked or if you have a self-service rental where each identifier also comes with a code for a lock.

The number of identifiers is determined by the product's maximum capacity, meaning if the maximum capacity for kayaks is 10, there will be 10 identifiers, each corresponding to a specific kayak.

In this article, we will cover:

How to activate identifiers

You activate identifiers within the product settings. (Products > Products & experiences > [selected product].

  1. Go to Availability > Identifiers

  2. Enable Use identifiers

  3. Click on Sync identifiers to create as many identifiers as the maximum capacity.

  4. Choose between 'Automatic Allocation', 'Automatic Assignment for Customer, Manual for Admin', and 'Manual Assignment for both Customer and Admin'.

  5. Name your identifiers (or use the pre-generated ones) and add any additional information, such as the corresponding lock code for the product.

Now you have created your identifiers! βœ… Below, you will find what the other settings do and how they can be used.

How Automatic Allocation, Manual Assignment, and Show in Booking Confirmation Work

  • If you select Automatic allocation, the person booking will not have the option to choose among the product's identifiers and will be assigned one automatically.

  • If you select Automatic assignment for customer, manual assignment for admin, admin users have the option to choose between the identifiers during booking, while customers do not.

  • If you select Manual assignment for both customers and admin, the customer will have the option to choose among the product's identifiers when booking. The customer can see the identifiers of all available product identifiers.

Example - Cabins

A camping has three different cabins for rent, which should be selectable during the booking.

To do this, you need to choose Manual Assignment for both Customer and Admin. Now, the customer will be able to choose between Cabin by the Water, Cabin in the Forest, or Cabin on the Hill when making a booking.

When the booking goes through, they will also receive the identifier in the booking confirmation since Show in Booking Confirmation is enabled for all cabins.

Note: If Show in Booking Confirmation is enabled, the person who booked will receive the identifier in their booking confirmation.

Example - Self-Service Rental

A self-service rental has kayaks that are locked with a three-digit code. To ensure the person booking does not get access to this code until after booking, you need to enable both Automatic Assignment and Show in Booking Confirmation.

The customer will now receive the code after the booking is completed, in the booking confirmation.

Changing an Identifier for a Booking as Admin

As an admin, you can change the identifier within the booking under "Booked Products". When you click on "quantity", a box should appear where you can select which identifier the booking should be assigned.

Note if you select two options, for example Cottage by the water and Cottage in the forest, both are added to the booking.

Important Considerations When Activating Identifiers

  • Every time you update the your maximum capacity, you also need to synchronise the number of identifiers.

Note! This also applies when scheduling new maximum capacities.

  • If the identifier name reveals something you do not want the customer to know, it is important to choose Automatic Allocation. Otherwise, the information will be visible in the booking field before the booking is made.

Now you are a pro at using identifiers! πŸ™Œ

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