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How to read BookSpot invoices
Julia von Melen avatar
Written by Julia von Melen
Updated over 5 months ago

Learn How to Read Your Invoice from BookSpot

You can find your invoices in the left menu under Reports > Invoices. Here, you can download receipts, invoices, and specifications for payments.

Reading the Specification

In the specification, you’ll see a detailed summary of the month’s bookings and the fee that BookSpot has deducted for each booking.

The "OVERVIEW"-tab

This is a copy of the invoice that shows a summary of:

  • Booking value (net)

  • Your facility’s share of the revenue (as per the agreement)

  • OutVentures’ (BookSpots) share of the revenue (as per the agreement)

  • Billing cost (OutVentures’ share + 25% VAT)


This tab contains the information on which the invoice is based. Each row represents a fee related to a booking, a sold gift card/voucher, or another fee attributed to the current month.

The tab includes the following columns and information:

  • DATE: The date of the fee.

  • TYPE: How the fee is paid. MANUAL means the fee is paid by invoice, STRIPE means the fee is paid automatically online.

  • DESCRIPTION: A short description of the fee. If the fee pertains to a booking, it shows the time range of the booking; for sold vouchers, it shows the voucher’s name.

  • ORDER_ID: For fees linked to a booking or voucher, this shows the ID associated with the booking/voucher.

  • NET_VALUE: For fees related to a booking or voucher, this shows the net value of the booking/voucher (sale price excluding VAT).

  • FEE: The fee charged by BookSpot.

  • CURRENCY: The currency in which the net value and fee are stated.

  • If a booking incurs a fee in one month and is then moved to another month, it will not be charged again. However, if the price of the booking is changed (increase or decrease), causing the fee to be recalculated, the difference will appear as a new line in this table.

Example 1: Rescheduling

A booking is set for July 30th, worth 100 SEK net. The fee is calculated at 3 SEK and appears as a line in the INVOICE_DETAILS table dated July 30th. The customer reschedules to August 3rd. The fee remains 3 SEK.

Although the booking now occurs in August, the fee will appear in the July report since that was when the fee was originally calculated, and the rescheduling did not alter the fee.

Example 2: Refund

A booking is set for July 1st, worth 100 SEK net. The fee is calculated at 3 SEK and appears as a line in the INVOICE_DETAILS table dated July 1st. The customer falls ill and notifies you on the same day. Your policy is to refund 50% in such cases, and a refund of 50 SEK is made the next day, July 2nd.

The fee is now recalculated to 1.50 SEK, and a new line with a negative fee of -1.50 SEK is added to the INVOICE_DETAILS table on July 2nd to ensure the total fee for the booking is correct.


Changes made to bookings more than 30 days after the booking’s end date will not be reflected in the next payment.

Activate Automatic Payment

To minimize work and avoid the 79 SEK invoice fee, we recommend all our customers activate automatic payments.

You can do this by adding a payment card under Settings > Account > Payment & Billing. Here you can read more about how to activate automatic payment.

When using automatic payment, you will receive a receipt for the transaction via email each month after the payment is processed.

Have questions about the invoice? Contact our support at [email protected] 📨

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